Diversified Portfolio Strategy

Residential Mortgage Origination

Real Estate Development (REIT)

Alternative Asset Allocation

EquityLine Diversity
Limited Partnership

EquityLine Diversity is a Canadian limited partnership affiliated with the EquityLine Group. 

The EquityLine Group, based in Richmond Hill, Ontario, is composed of Canadian and US companies that offer a full range of mortgage services, real estate management, and development through interrelated corporations and third-party partners. Founded in 2014, the group has grown in response to increasing demand for its services.

EquityLine Diversity is designed to complement an investors conventional, well-balanced portfolio and potentially bolster risk-adjusted returns while offering supplementary diversification opportunities.

Investing with confidence

The partnership will allocate capital through various strategies to a diverse set of companies and projects to construct a portfolio of private and public income and capital gain generating investments. Portfolio investments will generally be structured as one or a combination of the following:

Our Strategy

Balanced Revenue Model

A model was developed to strike a balance between the partnership’s objectives of ensuring steady income and a financial safety net, while also seeking enhanced returns by incorporating real estate ownership and development into a portion of the portfolio.

Our primary aim is to strategically align the partnership’s financial stability and liquidity, effectively leveraging them in tandem to capitalize on the inherent potential for lucrative benefits within a thoughtfully executed real estate ownership approach.